So much of DYNAMIC is about saying yes. We say yes to allowing our feelings. We say yes to where we are. We say yes to reaching for more even when afraid. We say yes to willingness. We say yes to the life experience.
Your feelings are you: all of you. It’s your state of the union. They don’t have to stay the same, they are just informing you of where you are. Feelings are text messages from our inner being alerting us to our internal landscape.
We have been so programmed to numb out our feelings but KNOW THIS:
Your feelings are coming out anyway.
They are ambushing you;
lurking behind activities, distractions; they are embedded in stuckness, aggressions, addictions, cultural norms;
they are leaking through comments, rejections, resistances;
and they are lodging as illnesses in your body.
Feelings are there whether you acknowledge them or not. Saying hell yes to that!
People are surprised that the very first and basic step of Dynamic is to feel. Not to over-saturate the concept of the super power, but feelings are a legit super power. And like in any super hero journey, before we command our super power, we have to learn to harness it, train it, use it, release it, all by unabashedly feeling.
All psychotherapies are pretty basic this way and not rocket science (hello, Humanity 101). They basically create the venue, the space, the non-judgmental witness to allow feelings to emerge. At the start, these feelings are like untamed animals, wounded ones, snarling ones, drooling ones, child-like ones, playful ones, primal ones….it’s no wonder we don’t want to “go there”. Oh, but then, then, then…the alchemical magic of processing, transmuting, transforming begins and these feelings become the resting gorgeous lion with wind in its hair or the dyre wolfe walking next to you, following your lead, sovereign, powerful, and acknowledged.
So when people come to my groups and take my online courses, they are surprised that at the most basic level is the intentional teaching and practicing of saying yes to our feelings. And boy, in Dynamic we say yes out loud! Passionate, alive, and inspired yes! This process is passionate, the connection to self is passionate, and as feelings go, the connectedness to others and life is passionate. A mental, emotional, and spiritual orgasm indeed.
Everyone is talking about authenticity these days. Consider this: An absolute and necessary precursor to living authentically is to know how you authentically feel. Say yes to the good feelings, the hard ones, the painful ones, the joyful ones, the sexy ones, the goofy ones – and even if you go “eww”- the awkward ones. The painting of the authentic you begins here. Are you game?
Say yes.