Dynamic R-Evolution: The Curriculum
EXPERIENCE The Inner Journey and Outer Abundance. This curriculum covers 3 volumes over the course of a year, where you’ll learn to observe your internal landscape, alchemize it, and evolve into your own version of happy ever after. Inner expertise and outer abundance are what we’re shooting for, all within a top-tier, customized, immersive, safe structure. This program is a combination of online classes, group and individual work with me, and delicious in-person retreats in community to embody your Heaven on Earth life. We are creating a new world starting with you.
ACQUIRE Self-mastery. Most of us have gotten certifications, BAs, Masters, even PhDs… but has it occurred to you to get a Ph.D on yourSELF? Harvard University experts are finding that your ability to negotiate your inner world and master your internal dialogue has a direct positive impact on your overall well being, leadership at work, and relational fulfillment. I’ve sung this from the mountaintops for some time now, so it’s so comforting and fun to have the Harvard folks chime in with research. Not to mention the MASSIVE IMPACT it has on your relationships, family, communities, and our sweet planet. Whether it’s through the Dynamic R-Evolution Intro, Empath Leader, or Wealth from Within, you will learn how to create AMAZING opportunities from the very challenges you saw as obstacles. Yep, the eternal adage “let peace begin with me” is our creed!
BE not only the highest version of yourself, but your favorite version!
In real talk, you will be the boss of your life, self-mastery will be your super power, and abundance will be how you roll!
Momma Earth will feel us love her by loving ourselves.
- You’ll learn about my larger vision and mission to recreate our experience here on the planet by deepening and expanding the individual , or rather, YOU!
- You’ll apply your learnings on the spot with Dynamic Meditation, a portable and practical toolkit I have amassed over the last 15 years, with processes you can take home with you.
- I am on a mission to help create a new world and it starts with your very own Dynamic R-Evolution!
- Everyone is welcome. Register here: https://dynamica.samcart.com/products/intro-to-dynamic-r-evolution
- If you have been on the self-exploratory, internal, and spiritual journey for a while OR have taken my workshops OR are ready for a deep dive that feels like a workshop-therapy-mastermind group combined, this ongoing bi-monthly roundtable is for you. I literally describe it as getting a PhD on yourSELF!
- I have set up Wealth from Within as a monthly virtual roundtable where I will present psychospiritual subjects (with a vast and varied reach) followed by group discussions, questions, examples, and applications. The intention is for you to study YOU via these teachings and exchanges.
- We are aiming for embodied empowerment wherein you feel like you have control over your life, emotions, and decisions using this psychospiritual container…and we do it TOGETHER. I propose that by knowing and loving yourSELF, you automatically do the work of loving others and the planet. BAM!
- I am on a mission for what I call the “Heaven on Earth” life and it starts with YOU.
- Register Here: https://dynamica.samcart.com/products/wealth-from-within
- This training is specifically for individuals who know they are Empaths, identify as such, and who have done the work to heal.
- In these chaotic times, people are looking for leaders, guides, coaches, therapists, and advisors, who can help them find meaning and purpose in this new planetary landscape. This training is not for beginners, but rather for Empaths who are looking for purpose, are ready for their next level, and are interested in playing a significant role in the upleveling of others and the planet. The Empath Leader engenders all of these outcomes.
- This program is by invite only so reach out to have a chat: https://claudiacauterucci.com/contact-me/
- More Info here: https://dynamica.samcart.com/products/the-empath-leader
Don’t go by me — see what your predecessors are saying in the video above!
Let’s have a call to see if we’re a match for diving in! Human intimacy instruction #1: For any good relationship to work and thrive, mutuality is key.